Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I thought it would be fun to make Rachel a tutu. She loves wearing it and trying to eat it. She's such a little princess.


Stephanie said...

so cute! I have wanted to make one for Miss P for a while....maybe for her B-day. I'll have to check it out next time you cut my hair.

Filetti Family said...

What a cutie. Girls are so much fun to dress up! I'm sad I missed you while I was out in Cali. My sister and mom said thanks for doing their hair. I'm sad I don't have a good hair dresser here. I NEED one. Everytime I get my hair done I'm practically crying because I hate it so bad. LOL

April said...

Deb, she is so cute in that! You did a great job making it! I love the little crown on her head. What a little princess!! :)

Stefany said...

Love the tutu! She looks adorable!!!

That family picture at the top is so pretty...where were you guys?

Ruthie said...

Hi Debbie! I saw your blog on April's and thought I'd stop by. Your little girl is so adorable! I love the tutu!
Oh, and we have a family blog now too, if you want to stop by it's http://robandruthie.nebekers.org/

Lowe Down said...

Cute Pictures! I can't believe how big Rachel has gotten! We miss you guys a whole lot! Hope everything is going well!!!

Teresa Johnson said...

Your little girl is SO CUTE! Actually, you have such a cute little family! We need to catch up on life...call me sometime when you're not so busy! :o)

Tierra Lowry said...

Very cute. You'll have to tell me how you did that. She is adorable. I can't believe she is one now.