Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Messy Eater

Rachel eating pasta
OOumpa Looumpa face

Just making sure it's not easy for mom to clean me up


The Hunt Family said...

Holy Cow! What a mess! She does look like an oompa loompa in that one picture with her orange face! She is too cute. I remember Abbi's first spaghetti mess. Oh, memories. I'm glad you're documenting them!

Ruth M said...

Love it. So cute.

Katy Beth said...

Oh my heck! That is too funny!! Thanks for the preview of what I have to look forward too...

Anita Baker said...

ick. i would hate to touch a kid that got that messy, but hey! that's why you're the parents and i'm not! but these pictures are really cute! she's adorable.

Tiffani said...

Whhoaa! You guys should have shirtless spaghetti nights like the Shouses. That is one mess, Carson is clean compared to that but the floor-not so clean.

Filetti Family said...

Got to love cleaning that up. I hate how pasta stains the skin too. It seems like giving them a bath doesn't do much good in getting the orange off. LOL I love the last picture. What a great face!